Nonfiction Adventures:
Google Dictionary defines a reader as "someone who reads or who is fond of reading." Ever since I can remember I have been a reader. In elementary school at would read and write at a voracious rate. I would read books about gymnastics, fairy tales, books of lists, anything I could get my hands on. As I grew older, I began reading many more books, but often about the same topics. I focused all my gymnastics reading on blogs and articles. I had refined my love of fairy tales to only reading books within an extremely large series (5 books or more). And I would read all sorts of lists. I loved nonfiction books because they offered an opportunity to learn about something totally new. I would spend hours pouring over books of random facts, anxious to learn something, anything!
2017 was a terrible year for me. I had drama in nearly ever aspect of my life. My personal life and relationship was struggling and I had to put many pieces back together. My work life was a mess. I hated my job due to a variety of changes that had been made and didn't know what to do to fix things. By the second half of the year, many of these issues were beginning to resolve. My relationship with my family was improving. This helped me to feel more valued and become a better mom. I had changed jobs and was thriving in my new role as an instructional coach for a new school. Despite these improvements, I still didn't feel like I was fully me. That is when I came to the decision that I needed to make a change for 2018.
Many people make resolutions for the new year. I don't have a resolution in the traditional sense. I don't want to lose weight or start working out every day. I just want to explore and discover who I am. I want to peel back the tired and angry mask I have been wearing and find the explorer that once existed. That is how the idea for Nonfiction Adventures began.
How it works:
I am committed to finding the real me by going back to doing something that I once loved....reading. I thought and thought of how to begin and decided to begin with EVERYTHING. I am going to read a little bit of everything.
Step 1: I will head to the library to check out the book selection. The picture above is of the library I like best in the neighborhood. They have tons of books in the nonfiction section.
Step 2: I will start at the first aisle of nonfiction and make at least 3 book selections from 3 different topics. Each time I will start at a new aisle.
Step 3: I will read each of the books and take notes
Step 4: I will post my thoughts and learning from the text. Hopefully it will be interesting to you too.
*I may end up LOVING a section and want to know more. If so, I may end up reading multiple texts from that section. I'm open to learning about anything
How does this affect you?
Just as I am taking this reading challenge, I have a challenge for you. If you are interested in learning more, I invite you to share in my nonfiction adventures and to share your stories with me. Also, if a topic peaks your interest or you have a great story to share about that topic. I would love to hear about it. My goal is to connect to others through this journey.
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